Friday, July 29, 2011

I miss my Man Cub!!

 I finally got word that the boys' river trip is going very well and that are having a blast.  The only down side...not enough bug repellant!  They are being eaten alive and I suspect they will return looking like they have the chicken pocks.   Jeffrey's never had them, so I'll be sure to get photos.  

Maybe I should stock up on Aveno bath itch relief.  

We know that they made it to Flaming Gorge so they are on time and will be done tomorrow (Sat). 
Then, I'll be able to hear all of the strange sounds that come out of Jeffrey, both from the top and unfortunately, the bottom!  He is quite talented in that way.  
I'm sure he will be smelly, but I'll take him however I get him...until he ticks me off and I what to give him away to the lowest bidder.  Just kidding.

I love having him around.  He's getting more muscles for doing the heavy lifting.  It works out for both of us...he lifts things and I feed him!  I'm pretty sure I got the short end of that deal.  This kid can eat!  
He is a eating machine!!!  And he is skinny. 



  1. River trips, hail and pioneer day . . . Oh, man, I want to be in Utah!

  2. Amy, you are welcome anytime! Just call and we'll break out the air mattresses.

  3. awh.. i miss him too. :( i cant wait to see you guys!!october cant come fast enough!!
