Friday, July 22, 2011

Sitting over a Bull!

This title seems like it might be a joke or a pun but let me assure you, it is the truth.  Last night we took the kids to the RODEO!  This was not just a small town, poe dunk rodeo.  This was a bonafied Pro Rodeo!   And when I say we were "sitting over a BULL"  I mean it.  Our seats were right over the bull pen.

This is the view looking under our seats!

They look fairly tame but when the time came...Shoot howdy!

I think that middle one is "mad doggin me"
I told Dave that it was exhilarating to be so close to that much muscle and power.   And the bulls weren't have bad either!!  Hahahaha!  You gotta keep the man happy, remember? 

These are my rodeo "boots".  Once I discovered that the bull pen was below me, I was paranoid that I would drop one of my "boots" and then I'd NEVER hear the end of it from Dave. 

The rodeo started out with the classic...Mutton Busting!  So cute.  Some of those kids didn't know what hit them, but there were a few that might have a real shot at the "big dance".

This kids got dumped pretty quick.  Go lamb, go!

They had bare back bucking broncos.  Say that fast 3 times!  These horses were ready to buck!  Before they opened the gates, they were kicking the sides and rearing up on their hind legs.  You couldn't pay me enough $$$ to get me on one of those things!  My back hurt just looking at them. 

We learned all kinds of stuff about rodeo rules like, the cowboys feet have to come up to a certain height on the horse each time the horse bucks, or they get disqualified.  The cowboy's shoulders have to touch the back of the horse, in other words, he has to basically lay down while the horse is bucking him.  Crazy!!
And of course, he can only hang on with one hand...for 6 seconds, which doesn't seem like a lot but...

Then came the bull riding:  Sorry the pictures are blurry but those dang bulls wouldn't stop for a photo.

That green and black blur is a cowboy on top (momentarily) of a bull!!  He didn't last long!

Another blur with a bull!!
No cowboy or animal was hurt in the making of this blog.  No blood and guts.  Just good old fashioned American fun!  And speaking of American, if you ever want to get a kick of American Pride, just go to a rodeo!!  Those cowboys are very patriotic!  They are not ashamed to live in this great country!!  They don't apologize for who we are or what we stand for.
God bless America!!!

1 comment:

  1. how fun!!!! i wanna go! thats looks awesome. i miss you guys.
