Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Hello Blogging World! (cringe)

Okay, so I'm new to this thing called blogging.  It's not that I haven't had the chance or the training (thanks Stacy & Amy)  it's just that I think of myself as a "cliff notes" kind of a person.  Or, a Readers Digest version person.  That I why I took to Face book so easily...I know, FB is for wienies. You see, I can think of one paragraph little diddy's pretty easily but when it comes to actually forming a letter with coherent thoughts, well that's a whole other game.  A very intimidating game at best.  But then I had a thought this morning.  When I am all by myself, I actually can think!  I can actually form intelligent thoughts when I'm not being interrupted or thinking about who needs to be picked up and when they need to be picked up, or what to make for dinner much less what do I need to buy for said dinner.
Call me crazy if you must, but I talk to myself quite frequently!  There, I said it.  And when I do, I make perfect sense!
So I am going to try this blogging thing...who knows it might be the best therapy ever!
There, I did it! First blog entered!  Don't judge too harshly.  Baby steps.


  1. NO freaking way! I'm soooo excited right now. I got on my blog and what to my wondering eyes should appear?? But the Petersen's blog link at THE TOP OF MY BLOG LIST! (They're listed from most current entries to the least current.) Holy smokes. You've been at the very bottom forever.

    Oh I am so excited! Yahooooooooo!

    (oh, and can you post a photo of Jeff's new skateboard helmet...gotta see for myself.)

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