Friday, January 6, 2012

22 Things

 This is what my boyfriend sent to me...

One dozen red roses...what could it mean?

Yesterday was our 22nd wedding anniversary.  Sadly, by most peoples standards this is unheard of, much less accomplished.  I fear that too many people just give up on their families way too easily.  For what ever reason, and let's face it there are many, they think that life will be better if they had a fresh start.  Probably one of the saddest things is when there is nothing really wrong, they are just "bored" or become like "roommates" so they decide to break up a family and try a new one.  Don't get me wrong, there are definitely times when it would be dangerous or detrimental to stay with someone and the best thing a person could do would be to leave.
I'm not going to go down the depressing road any further than this because I want this post to be about what I've learned over the last 22 years.

  • I learned that taking a leap of faith brings more blessings than you can imagine.
  • Before taking that leap of faith, you better be in tune with what Heavenly Father wants you to do.
  • Make big decisions TOGETHER!
  • Be Patient, you aren't perfect either
  • will need forgiveness too, trust me
  • It's best to communicate head on (don't beat around the bush), but timing is the key
  • Don't do anything that would cause lasting damage or embarrass them
  • Protect the reputation of your family/spouse. In other words, don't talk bad about them to others
  • Talk about the little things so that when the big ones come along, you can talk about those with more ease
  • Be grateful!
  • Never make your spouse feel like they don't make enough money, just spend less
  • Tell them how much they are loved when you get that "rush of gratitude" feeling.
  • Make family the number one priority over work, school, money etc.
  • Develop good habits together like family prayer, family dinner, family counsels etc.
  • When it gets really tough... tough it out together
  • Give each other some space to be individuals, not singles
  • Never stop dating each other and hold hands often
  • Be playful and goofy and have a few "inside jokes" to laugh about
  • Bite your tongue when it really doesn't matter
  • Be supportive when they are doing good things
  • Don't whine or nag!
  • Sit by each other in church.  Don't let the kids wiggle between you for long. 

I could add more but these are the first 22 that came to my mind.  With each year and each milestone we have grown together more than I ever thought possible.  We have had our share of "rough patches" and have stared them down and conquered them and with that comes a sense of pride, love, and some of the most incredible memories.  I don't know what's on the path in front of us but I do know that what ever it is we will walk through it... together.